Different Methods of Changing WordPress Password

Different Methods of Changing WordPress Password

There are several ways to change your WordPress password. Typically you can perform this from within your WordPress dashboard. If you cannot access your WordPress dashboard then there are some alternatives as well. 1. Change your WordPress password in the Dashboard You can update your WordPress password from within the Dashboard. You must know your current password to use these…

How does Sitemaps Help Search Engines

How does Sitemaps Help Search Engines

Sitemaps help search engines successfully crawl your website by making it easier to find all the site’s pages and links. A sitemap is not required for a website, but it can help improve search engine optimization. What is a Sitemap? A sitemap informs search engines that individual pages on your site are new or updated and are available for crawling….

How to Enable Caching on Your Windows Hosting Account | Hosting Column

How to Enable Caching on Your Windows Hosting Account

Caching improves the performance of a WordPress website in the fastest ways. Following techniques shows how to implement caching on a windows hosting account, to implement caching on a Linux Hosting account follow the previous post What is WordPress Caching & How to Install W3 Total Cache Plugin. 1. Enabling Caching using clientCache With our Windows hosting accounts, you can…

How to Connect a MySQL Database using ASP.NET

How to Connect a MySQL Database using ASP.NET

This post describes using ASP.NET/MySql.Data to connect to a MySQL Database. A few important things you need before you get started: Knowledge of computer programming. Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET. MySql Connector/NET on your development computer. For more information, click here. Knowledge of MySql and specifically the MySql.Data Namespace. A setup MySql Database. Connecting to a MySQL Database using ASP.NET Find your…

Should I Choose Windows Hosting or Linux Hosting?

When we start web development we often get this question Should I choose Windows hosting or Linux hosting? For either kind of hosting, you use a web browser like Firefox, Chrome or Safari to manage your account and websites. So you can run your Windows Hosting account from a MacBook, or a Linux Hosting account from a Windows laptop. You can install…

How to Check & Protect your Website from Malicious Redirects?

How to Check & Protect your Website from Malicious Redirects?

If attackers compromise your website, they might insert malicious code that redirects visitors to phishing or malware sites. Or they might also lure visitors to the malicious redirects with spam email. Those messages can be something as simple as: Subject: Hello! Body: News: http://[your domain name]/jyl/wnews.php If you see messages like this about your own site, you should review your website content…

Why is my Site not Showing Up on Search Engine Results Pages (SERP)?

Why is my Site not Showing Up on Search Engine Results Pages (SERP)?

There are several reasons why a site might not show up in search engine results pages. Here are the most common ones: 1. The search engines haven’t indexed the site yet. Sometimes it can take a week or more for a search engine to find your website. This is because your website is new and doesn’t have any inbound links….