How to Connect a MySQL Database using ASP.NET

This post describes using ASP.NET/MySql.Data to connect to a MySQL Database. A few important things you need before you get started:

  • Knowledge of computer programming.
  • Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET.
  • MySql Connector/NET on your development computer. For more information, click here.
  • Knowledge of MySql and specifically the MySql.Data Namespace.
  • A setup MySql Database.

Connecting to a MySQL Database using ASP.NET

  1. Find your database’s connection strings. Note: Change your password value to your real database password value.
  2. Using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET create an ASP.NET Project.
  3. Add a reference to MySql.Data.dll.
  4. Replace the value in the following code with your_ConnectionString with your database information.
  5. Insert the following code into your project including your modified your_ConnectionString value:

Note: If your MySql database was created with the Allow Direct Database Access enabled, you can connect to the database from your development computer. If you did not enable Allow Direct Database Access, your MySql is in a secure environment and you cannot connect to the database from your development computer. A connection can only be successful when your code is deployed to the hosting site.

MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection mySqlConnection = new

mySqlConnection.ConnectionString = “your_ConnectionString”;



switch (mySqlConnection.State)
case System.Data.ConnectionState.Open:
// Connection has been made
case System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed:

// Connection could not be made, throw an error
throw new Exception(“The database connection state is Closed”);

// Connection is actively doing something else

// Place Your Code Here to Process Data //
catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException mySqlException)
// Use the mySqlException object to handle specific MySql errors
catch (Exception exception)
// Use the exception object to handle all other non-MySql specific errors
// Make sure to only close connections that are not in a closed state
if (mySqlConnection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
// Close the connection as a good Garbage Collecting practice

In this way, you can connect a MySQL database using ASP.NET language. Further, if you want to connect PHP websites to a MySQL database then follow the previous post How to Connect PHP Websites to a MySQL Database.

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