What shows in the WHOIS directory?

What shows in the WHOIS directory?

When a domain is registered, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, requires us to gather contact information for the person or business registering the domain name, known as the Registrant or Domain Holder. The WHOIS directory information displayed may vary, depending on the protection plan you have chosen for your domain. Domains registered with Basic Privacy Domain name: Registry data: Updated…

How to Configure DNS for a Website Domain Name

How to Configure DNS for a Website Domain Name

cPanel (both shared and on servers) lets you host a website and email for your domain names. To establish the connection between the domain name and your cPanel account, you need to change the domain name’s DNS. For details on DNS, follow the previous Hosting Column post What is DNS (Domain Name System)? For shared hosting, websites with domains in…

How to Buy a Domain name with promo codes

How to Buy Domains on Discounted Price with Promo Codes

This post demonstrates how to buy products, e.g., a domain, and how to apply promo codes for discounts. Domains are used to uniquely identify your website on the internet. In simple words, a domain name is the web address of your website, such as www.facebook.com, www.twitter.com, www.youtube.com, etc. Domains are available with various extensions, such as .com, .org, .net, .in,…

Free Domain Name Registration with Freenom

This post demonstrates how to get a free domain from Freenom. Freenom provides free domain name registration with TLDs (Top Level Domains) such as .tk, .ga, .ml, .cf etc. Free domains work as normal domains and provide features like URL Forwarding, Free DNS Service or own Custom DNS (Name Servers). The difference between free domains & paid domains is, in…